Wednesday, March 7, 2012


My name is Nathan Dunn. I live in New York's 20th Congressional District (The Fighting 20th!), and am considering running to be a delegate to the National General Assembly (NGA) put on by the 99% Declaration. The plan is to have 878 delegates convene in Philadelphia for the Fourth of July and complete a Petition for a Redress of Grievances to the United States government.
There are currently 21 suggested points to be included in the document. These are not binding in any way, and the NGA will ultimately draft, finalize, and submit the petition. The list is as follows (copied directly from

  1. Elimination of the Corporate State.
  2. Overturning the “Citizens United” Case.
  3. Elimination of All Private Benefits to Public Servants.
  4. Term Limits.
  5. A Fair Tax Code.
  6. Health Care for All.
  7. Protection of the Planet.
  8. Debt Reduction.
  9. Jobs for All Americans.
  10. Student Loan Debt Refinancing.
  11. Ending Perpetual War for Profit.
  12. Emergency Reform of Public Education.
  13. End Outsourcing and Currency Manipulation.
  14. Banking and Securities Reform.
  15. Foreclosure Moratorium, Mortgage Refinancing and Principle Write Downs.
  16. Review and Reform of the Federal Reserve Banking System.
  17. Ending the Electoral College and Enactment of Uniform Federal Election Rules.
  18. Ending the War in Afghanistan and Care of Veterans.
  19. No Censorship of the Internet.
  20. Reinstitution of Civil Rights Including the Repeal of the NDAA.
  21. Curtailing the Private Prison Industrial Complex.
At first glance, it seems like I can get behind most of these points. Admittedly, there are some things on the list that I lack knowledge of, and so can't make an informed decision. To that end, over the next week or so, I hope to write mini-essays on each of these topics.
My goal here is two-fold: I will gain the knowledge needed to form an opinion on the topics that are obviously important to the group, and I will be able to convey that opinion to voters, should I choose to seek  a delegate position.
Let's dance!

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